Donating to Local Programs and Organizations

The Grange Solar Grazing Center is committed to going above and beyond to give back to the community and supporting local priorities and interests.

We have committed $10 million in donations to help fulfill this commitment.  Here’s a breakdown of the 40-year total of Grange’s committed, voluntary donations:

  • $2.5 million to the Logan County Opportunity Fund to help fund local priorities including a Community Center to serve as a local event space and house local nonprofits. 

  • $900,000 over 40-years in annual payments to various local causes and organizations (such as the County Fair, etc.)

  • $4 million over 40 years to local police and EMS (Washington Township Police, Russells Point Police, Indian Lake EMS, Lakeview Fire Department, and Indian Joint Fire District)

  • Grange will work with the River Rangers organization to create the Indian Lake Great Miami River Maintenance Program

  • $1.4 million to help clean and maintain a 3.35-mile stretch of the Great Miami River to improve water quality and enable new recreation and tourism

  • LEARN MORE about the Indian Lake Great Miami River Maintenance Program

  • $1.2 million over 40 years to Ohio Hi-Point Career Center to support a vocational training program for Logan County residents and workers