Public Information Meetings

What Is A Public Information Meeting?

The Public Information Meetings (PIMs) are a required early step in the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB) process. Grange sent out notices to all property owners within 1,500’ of a parcel that could potentially host a portion of the solar array about our meeting at 5 - 7 PM on Thursday September 4, 2024 at the Indian Lake High School Cafeteria.

This is event is designed specifically for those who have questions, concerns, or doubts about the proposed project. We encourage folks to attend, whatever their position is on solar, and to take time to engage with the material and ask questions.

Each PIM is structured like an open house (a bit like a high school science fair) with informational displays spread throughout the room and experts on hand to answer questions. This means that while the event has a set start and end time, you can arrive at 5 or 6:59 and get the same information. There is no sit-down meeting or townhall set-up, simply an opportunity to learn and enage at your own pace. OPSB Staff will be onhand to answer questions about the OPSB Application process.

What Topics Are Being Covered?

The PIM is a preview of the Grange Solar Grazing Center application to the OPSB that will be submitted in October, so the content of the posterboard session is reflective of some of the key elements of the application in addition to information about how Grange will mitigate many common concerns about the solar and the project. In addition to the subjects covered by the poster stations, informational handouts will also be available. While this is not a town hall or large-format Q+A, these meetings are a great opportunity to ask questions on a variety of comments to a variety of experts at your own pace. Our team is always available for smaller group discussions and we’re happy to come to any meeting to provide information on the Grange project and process.

Subjects and Materials at PIM #1

Agrivoltaics + Agriculture

Archaeological + Historical Surveys

Community Benefits + Jobs

Construction, Design, and Decommissioning

Ecology, Watershed, Safety


Property Values

Additional Topics