The Ohio Power Siting Board

The mission of the OPSB is to support sound energy policies that provide for the installation of energy capacity and transmission infrastructure for the benefit of the Ohio citizens, promoting the state's economic interests, and protecting the environment and land use.

Open Road Renewables has permitted several projects in Ohio over the last seven years. These projects were all over 50 MW in size, which means that all were subject to the oversight of the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB).

The Grange Solar Project plans to submit an application to the OPSB in mid-2024 which will begin an approximately 1-year process of review and public input ahead of a decision by voting members of the OPSB.

Grange is what is what is commonly referred to as a “partially grandfathered project” under Senate Bill 52. This means that Grange is not subject to local restrictions on solar siting but does have local voting represenation on the OPSB (One Commissioner and One Township Trustee).

The Grange Solar Team will be working hard to work through concerns about the proposed project and will incorporate local feedback in how the project is designed and permitted.